
Speak out for those who cannot speak..... Speak out, judge fairly, defend the rights of the poor and needy.

Proverbs 31:8-9​


We believe that we have an obligation to reach out to the poor and marginalised in our society in local and global contexts. 

Our young men learn about their role as advocates through considered and structured service learning programs. These programs, collectively called the Paddy’s Van ministries seek to respond to recognised local needs such as working with Homeless people, working to care for our environment through recycling, supporting newly arrived refugee children through English language tutoring and friendship.

Our Paddy’s Van program is one of the ways our students immerse themselves in community service. By assisting with the van, our students soon realise it is about more than just distributing food and blankets. It is about gaining a more genuine insight into those on the margins of our society and seeking to form relationships with them.

Our Paddy's Van program has four regular ministries:

  • Sandbag Ministry - Each Monday afternoon during term time, staff volunteers and Year 9 Rite Journey students distribute prepared meals to those facing hardship within our community.
  • Paddy's Toast Room - The Paddy's Toast Room provides a quick breakfast to students and staff every Thursday morning in front of the College Cafe.
  • The Redcliffe Breakfast Club - Our Saturday evening barbecues at The Redcliffe Breakfast Club, are a source of solace and nourishment for vulnerable community members.  
  • The Shorncliffe Breakfast Ministry - Every Friday morning, volunteer staff, students, and parents prepare and serve a barbeque breakfast to community members doing it tough.

Our service programs centre on two major themes:

  • The Dignity of the Person; and
  • The Nurturing of Right Relationships.

We aim not to just provide a good meal, but to develop relationships through presence and compassion. A significant part of these experiences then is for participants to sit down and have a chat with the patrons of the Paddy's Van.

This ministries help our young men to look beyond themselves to the needs of others and also helps to break down stereotyped thinking.